Manhattan Theatre Source is my theatre home. A development stage as well as a playhouse, "The Source" has afforded me the opportunity of performing in new works for the stage with up-and-coming playwrights and directors in an environment of creativity and artistic entrepenuership. Among the opportunities in the last 6 years: the role of Rossum in Mac Rogers' critically acclaimed Universal Robots and Marie in Woyzeck; to get kudos from John Ford Noonan himself on the opening night of A Coupla White Chicks Sitting Around Talking; to have been directed by Kathleen O'Neill in the EstroGenius Festival, and to have produced Play With Jackie with Source Founder Ed McNamee.
Manhattan Theatre Source is a nexus for artists in downtown NYC. Actors, directors, playwrights, designers and visual artists volunteer and create opportunities for themselves every day. "The Playground Development Series" puts your production on stage for no up-front cost. "Spontaneous Combustion" puts you on stage in an original play over the weekend. Must follow the four house rules. 177 MacDougal Street, NYC 10011 212.260.4698